Kick-off04 Feb 2024, 11:00am on pitch P1
RefereeOrigami Animals
Match sheet generated23 Oct 2024, 9:15am
Print match card

This match sheet should be printed ahead of the match to ensure that only registered players participate and to facilitate accurate recording of the names of scorers.

MAlec Forbes
MAlvaro Amorim
FAnnaliza Nardi
FCecilia Symonds
FCheryl Hodges
MDavid Condon
MDavis Lai
F(CAPTAIN) Ellen French
MJames Busby
MLewis Freeland
1MMark Lang
MMichael Wilson
Fn overall
1MPatrick Lai
2MSteven Forrest
MTerence Lai
Globo Gym Purple Cobras4
Adam CockburnM
Allison SonneveldF
Brandon Halls (CAPTAIN)M
Carlo MeolaM
Casey HillF
Derek CockburnM
Dominic BellM
Erin McIntoshF
Georgia ReedF
Holly CockburnF
James EppelstunM1
James Whybrow M
Matthew ClarkeM3
Nic CrokeM
Tim CrokeM
Tim CrokeM
Ying TouM
Zoe BehrendtF
Please note that goals scored by eligible 'ring-in' players from other teams count towards the score but are not added to the player's goal tally and will not appear on this match card.

Rule cheat sheet

  • Record scores, scorers (first name and surname) and incidents) and incidents and submit by logging in to My Sunday Soccer by midday on Monday.
  • Social soccer = no slide tackles, no tackles from behind, no pushing, no barging, no raised arms, no holding players off with arms, no intimidation, no dissent (to referee or players), no complaining, no worries
  • Match duration is 2 x 25-minutes (5-minute half-time)
  • Format is 7-a-side with maximum of 4 male players playing at any time
  • The home team (first listed) kicks-off
  • A team must comprise of at least 5 of their registered players for a result to stand (friendly can still be played)
  • Teams can use up to 2 ring-ins from other Sunday Soccer League teams to make up numbers
  • If conduct is inappropriate, the referee should (1) warn the player, (2) sin-bin the player for 5-minutes
  • If conduct merits it, a player should be sent off by the referee
  • There is no off-side or back-pass rule
  • For penalty kicks if the keeper is female, the penalty must be taken by another female player

Map credit: Google Maps